How Do I Make My Facebook Photos Private - Simple Ways to Do It

As a result of the scamming and hacking on Facebook, it is so important to make your account much more safe. For making your Facebook account safe and secure, you require to check your privacy and security settings. We all like to invest most of our time on Facebook, but nowadays we reject to do it since great deals of rip-offs occur on Facebook. If you do not understand How Do I Make My Facebook Photos Private, Read this article, This will most definitely help you. After securing your account ensure, you safeguard your Facebook pictures as well. If there is no privacy in your pictures, anyone can abuse it. So,

Right here are the steps to make your Facebook photos private:

How Do I Make My Facebook Photos Private

How Do I Make My Facebook Photos Private

When you post your photos on Facebook, you can pick that can see it. and later on if you don't wish to show to anyone you can make it entirely private. To do this,

  • Go to your Facebook page.

  • Post your picture. While publishing, decide with whom you want to share your photo.

That must see your post:

Public: If you establish your privacy as "Public", Every person on Facebook will certainly able to see your pictures.

Friends: If you select" Friends", Only your Facebook Friends will able to see your images.

Friends Except: In this group, you can share your photos with all Friends Except Only those you don't intend to share. If you wish to share your images besides some people, you just need to pick that person name, then click Save changes.

Only Me: If you do not wish to share your images with any person, you can choose this option.

By doing this, you can choose with whom you intend to share your pictures.

Making your formerly released pictures private:
What concerning the previous pictures that you already uploaded on Facebook? Do not assume so much, On Facebook, you can transform the privacy setup for your previous pictures also. For this

  • Go to your Facebook account,

  • Then go to your account. Locate that image on your wall surface, which you intend to transform the privacy settings.

  • Afterwards, click on Edit post. Currently you will see the pop-up box with details about that photo/album.

  • After that at the bottom of the pop-up box, you will see the privacy icon.

  • Click on that icon as well as select your privacy setting as you want.

  • After that click save.

Now you can alter your formerly submitted photos establishing.

If you didn't protect your Facebook images/ album, follow these steps as well as make your pictures and also Facebook account more protected.