How to My Facebook Friends List Hide - for All Devices

How To My Facebook Friends List Hide: Facebook's currency is you - you and all of your personal details. That's one factor Facebook likes to keep most info concerning you public. By default, your account information, posts, as well as even your friends are readily available for all to see.

In practice, it's frequently hassle-free for your friends list to be public, because it can assist people to find as well as get in touch with you, by confirming friends they likewise understand.

If you like, you can limit Who can see your entire Friends list making use of Facebook's Privacy Settings. You could not desire everyone to see it, specifically if you want to mask the identification of some friends from others. Or maybe you simply value your Privacy and also don't desire everybody to understand Who you're attached to online.

How To My Facebook Friends List Hide

How To My Facebook Friends List Hide

How to hide your friends on Facebook using a desktop computer
1. Open up Facebook in an internet internet browser.

2. Click the downward-pointing arrowhead at the top right of the web page to reveal the menu.

3. Click "Settings".

4. In the pane on the left side of the screen, click "Privacy".

5. In "How People Find and Contact You," find "Who can see your friends list" and also click "Edit.".

6. Choose Who you intend to have the ability to see your friends list - you can pick from alternatives including Friends as well as Just Me (which hides it from everybody). If you click "Custom" you can choose to go into particular names. For example, you can share your friends list with every one of your friends with the exception of Bob Smith.

Just how to hide your friends on Facebook by means of a mobile phone.
1. Start your Facebook app.

2. Touch the three horizontal lines (this is the burger menu). On the apple iphone, this remains in the reduced right of the screen; on Android, it's in the top right.

3. Faucet "Settings & Privacy".

4. Tap "Settings".

5. Scroll down to the Privacy area as well as faucet "Privacy Settings".

6. Scroll down to "How people find and contact you" and tap "Who can see your friends list?".

7. Choose Who you wish to have the ability to see your friends list. You can select to restrict the list to friends or simply to "Only Me" (which hides it from everybody else). If you select "Friends except ..." you can obstruct particular people from seeing your friends list.